Tiny, fragile fingers clench the hands that lead, guide and nurture the path. The journey begins with a hesitant step. Gasps. Jubilance. Pure joy. Tentative steps turn into powerful strides as confidence oozes with every pounding heartbeat. Blossoming, developing, changing with every jump, spin and splash. The precious seeds of opportunities are scattered lovingly into the field of hope and … Read More
Key Elements of Physical Literacy: A Sense of Direction and a Vision of Possibilities
In this blog I shall expand on the three core features of Physical Literacy by proposing a number of additions. I shall also elaborate on the need to carefully consider the role of ‘understanding’ and the relevance of the Capability Approach to Physical Literacy. At this stage, I am merely identifying a conceptual framework as the basis for informing a … Read More
Physical Literacy Charting Progress
Physical literacy is a holistic concept that recognises that all people are on a journey throughout life, but how can we chart progress on this journey? And why is it charting progress important anyway?
Why Is Physical Literacy Not Just Physical Education?
Physical Education is the name of a subject whereas Physical Literacy is an overarching concept that embraces principles that can guide practice.
Physical Literacy – ‘Kiwi Style’
The concept of physical literacy is an excellent fit with Sport New Zealand’s vision of ‘enriching lives and inspiring a nation through physical activity and sport’. New Zealand has a proud history of being an active nation, which stems from generations of Kiwis enjoying a wonderful, playful upbringing. But we know that things are changing and we can’t assume we … Read More
Physical Literacy in Practice
Guest blog from Kate Ellis, Information Officer at the British Heart Foundation National Centre for Physical Activity and Health.
The International Physical Literacy Association guiding Dumfries and Galloway – Scotland
The community of Dumfries and Galloway have made a start by embracing the concept and it is interesting to see Wales, New Zealand, America and more recently India are all channelling energy into making physical literacy a focus for physical education and for life. Perhaps it is now time for the government of England to take a serious look at physical literacy and the potential it has to change lives in the future.
Pre-Prep Physical Education Course
A description of IPLA’s involvement in a Pre-Prep Physical Education Course held on the 12th of May 2016.
Physical Literacy in Andhra Pradesh, India.
Physical Literacy is Gaining Fantastic Momentum in Andhra Pradesh, India. #url# #PhysEd #PEChat #Physliteracy #PEGeeks
Uncovering the Social Value of Sport
This blog draws attention to a range of documents produced by the sport and recreation alliance investigating the social value of sport.