Young children are unfortunately not moving enough, and the University of Derby (UOD) are conducting research exploring perspectives and opinions on physical activity (PA) and physical literacy (PL) in relation to 3–5-year-olds.
The study protocols have gone through a rigorous ethics application via the UOD so you can be assured that all information (or any children or organisations referred to) will be collected and stored anonymously, treated in confidence, and be used solely for the purpose of the research study being conducted.
No prior knowledge is needed – if you work with or are a parent of children aged between 3-5 (preschool/reception) and have 5-10 mins then we would welcome you sharing your opinions.
How can you help?
Complete this brief online survey.
Please share the survey with fellow staff and parents (preschool/reception) as there is a chance to win an Amazon Voucher or a year’s free subscription to My First Five Years child development app on either IOS or Android.
If you work in early years education – please also consider if you would be prepared to host/invite staff to attend a focus group session (max duration 1 hour) as there is also a great opportunity for any nursery, preschool or school who facilitates hosting a focus group to win a prize of a £100 voucher courtesy of local Derbyshire firm Cosy Direct.
To arrange or discuss more please email lead researcher Natalie Weir