IPLA Foundation Course

Problem: There are many misconceptions circulating as to what physical literacy is. Solution: Participate in the IPLA’s Foundation Course to ensure you have an accurate understanding.

The Foundation Course offers an introduction to physical literacy and clarification of the concept. The definition, the physical literacy as a journey metaphor and consideration of the impact of physical literacy on our lives are explored, giving participants clarity on key messages and a consensus on meaning.

An exciting new development is the launch of an intensive two hour online version of the course, which is running three times a month during May, June and July. The start time varies on a three weekly cycle, enabling participants from all over the world to join in wherever they live. A free workbook is provided to allow participants to record their understanding as the course progresses.

In addition, Foundation Course trainer, Liz Taplin, continues to offer one to one follow up sessions to answer any individual questions and to provide support for participants as they begin to embed their understanding in both their personal and professional lives.

Forthcoming dates:

Monday 14th May – 17.00

Monday 21st May – 06.00

Monday 4th June – 10.00

All times are British Summer Time.

For further information and to book: www.LizTaplin.com/events
