Webinar – Physical Literacy: an embodied capacity for interaction

Published: January 30, 2021

IPLA Webinar with Nate Babcock

The latest IPLA/PLNet Denmark webinar to take place was held on 27th January 2021 and was titled Physical Literacy: an embodied capacity for interaction.


A blog (https://medium.com/@coachnateb/toward-better-whys-and-what-s-of-p-e-833976cedf9 ) posted by Nate Babcock (Elementary PE Coordinator-PYLUSD and PE Specialist- Fairmont Elementary School, USA) sparked a great initial discussion between Nate, Margaret Whitehead and Nigel Green. The IPLA were keen to explore the philosophical ideas shared by Nate and this webinar allowed Nate to introduce his ideas related to, expressing, and enhancing our embodied/physical capabilities to help us interact more fluently and productively with the world, thus expanding our capacity for the richness of experience, for which all forms of life aim. Nate suggested that rather than focussing on moving to be fit and healthy, Physical Education should be about engaging in inter/intra-corporeal practices to enhance both our interactions with the world and our richness of experience, both of which mutually and reciprocally enhance each other.  He suggested that the goal of Physical Education is not health, but more fluent interaction (literacy) and more enjoyment/richness of experience/meaningfulness. Nate shared a 20-minute presentation and the delegates then moved into breakout rooms for a 30-minute discussion. Following on from this the delegates fed back to the group and a lively discussion followed, which carried on for a further 30 minutes after the formal webinar had finished. Here is a link to Nate’s presentation and also to the webinar recording.


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International Physical Literacy Association

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