Physical Literacy is Gaining Fantastic Momentum in Andhra Pradesh, India. #url# #PhysEd #PEChat #Physliteracy #PEGeeks
1 in 5 Children Start Reception Overweight. What Will You Do to Help?
The 4Children conference will address the top health concerns and the impact on children while delivering hands-on workshops focusing on nutrition, physical activity and oral health.
Uncovering the Social Value of Sport
This blog draws attention to a range of documents produced by the sport and recreation alliance investigating the social value of sport.
Sole Purpose: Attaining Self-Actualisation
the aim of physical education and physical literacy is to attain self actualisation – the motivational theory (Maslow, 1954) that links self fulfilment with our own embodied dimension and our own embodied potential as a learner.
Can physical literacy be taught? Part 3: Assessment in physical education for a physical literacy outcome.
This blog will explore whether physical literacy can be taught or whether is it developed.
Part 2: Assessment in physical education for a physical literacy outcome
This blog will aim to discuss why mastering a movement is so hard and how this can relate to physical literacy.
Part 1: Assessment in physical education for a physical literacy outcome.
This blog will be the start of a series of blogs in the hope of answering the question: How can physical education assessment be linked to a physical literacy outcome?
A Conceptual Framework for Physical Literacy
During the summer I read the Aspen’s Reviews, the Australian Physical Literacy and Sport Review and the UDSA Physical Literacy Plan. The one-dimensional and narrow perspective that they attribute to Physical Literacy has become simply “old wine in a new bottle”. As a consequence I have created a conceptual framework for Physical Literacy as a guide to articulating what needs … Read More
Objections to the use of Fundamental Movement Skills as central to Physical Literacy
This blog outlines some objections between the association of fundamental movement skills and physical literacy.