Teacher Training The IPLA were approached by International Council of Sport and Physical Education (ICSSPE) to see if they would take part in a teacher training programme that was being run in India for in-service teachers. This training programme is the second 25 day programme that has been scheduled, whereby teachers in a specific region sign up for 25 days of … Read More
Physical Literacy Across The World Resources and References
A summary of key references from Dr. Margaret Whitehead’s upcoming book “Physical Literacy Across the World”, published by Routledge.
Physical Literacy Charting Progress
Physical literacy is a holistic concept that recognises that all people are on a journey throughout life, but how can we chart progress on this journey? And why is it charting progress important anyway?
The Importance of Charting Physical Literacy
While solely promoting the concept has considerable value, understanding the importance of charting physical literacy is also very important.
IPLA Launch & Charting Progress Workshop
A workshop focussed on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses and current thinking on charting progress or mapping a physical literacy journey.