IPLA and Change the Game – Memorandum of Understanding.

IPLA is really excited to have an MOU with Change the Game, Sweden. We have been aware of the excellent work that Change the Game has been doing over the last ten years in promoting physical activity and physical literacy within the community of Umea in Sweden. This work has now grown to an international level and a wider range of opportunities, that … Read More

Do you teach, coach, play or parent children aged 3-5 years old? Research needs you!

Young children are unfortunately not moving enough, and the University of Derby (UOD) are conducting research exploring perspectives and opinions on physical activity (PA) and physical literacy (PL) in relation to 3–5-year-olds. The study protocols have gone through a rigorous ethics application via the UOD so you can be assured that all information (or any children or organisations referred to) … Read More


Please join us for our AGM online on the 14th of November 2023 at 15:00 BMT. To join the meeting please click this link or copy the following link into your diary. https://us06web.zoom.us/j/4122846746?pwd=NnhIYmM4cE9SWEdwRlNML21MUGRvUT09 The documents relating to the AGM are available to download below:

PL Consensus Statement For England

IPLA Welcomes the Physical Literacy Consensus Statement for England

IPLA President Professor Margaret Whitehead took the stage at the Royal Society of Arts last Thursday as part of the launch of the Physical Literacy Consensus Statement for England. Following a robust consultation and creation period, initiated by Sport England and led by Liverpool John Moores University, this launch event marks the start of an exciting period for physical literacy … Read More

India PL Project

Physical Literacy program at Mumbai Municipal Corporation Schools: Impacting 300000 under-privileged children

Context Mumbai Municipal Corporation provides free education to more than 300000 under-privileged children (mostly from slum areas). In the last decade, health and fitness issues have not been improving, for many children. Also, there is a growing increase in social and mental issues, which impact on wellbeing, especially post covid. Providing appropriate physical education that looks to develop each child … Read More

Why Sports Conference: Improving Health and Increasing Activity!

Discount Why Sports have kindly offered a 50% discount for conference tickets for their up coming conference: Improving Health and Increasing Activity!  The IPLA network can receive 50% off full ticket princes when entering: IPLA50 at checkout. Overview Front-line professionals understand more than anyone about the pressures of increasing demand on health and social care services at the same time … Read More

Spotlight on the emotional domain of physical literacy: Copenhagen Seminar

Physical literacy (PL) is a multi-dimensional concept that provides a holistic understanding of movement and physical activity. PL consist of an emotional, a physical and a cognitive domain, which together lay the foundation for the individual’s capacity and propensity to participate in movement and physical activities here and now and up through life. To support an individual’s development in physical … Read More

Physical literacy in Costa Rica

The Physical Literacy Journey Starts in Costa Rica My name is Ignacio Sabaté, I am a former racquetball athlete and now a coach and sport manager who graduated from the Russian International Olympic University. My partner is Osman Murillo who is a former athlete and Olympian from the London 2012 discipline of Judo and is now a personal trainer and … Read More

IPLA Research Café 1 – Lisa Young

In this months webinar we discuss “Physical literacy: a concept analysis” with Lisa Young (@LisaYoung__) If you enjoyed this event please join us for our next Research Cafe.