Teacher Training The IPLA were approached by International Council of Sport and Physical Education (ICSSPE) to see if they would take part in a teacher training programme that was being run in India for in-service teachers. This training programme is the second 25 day programme that has been scheduled, whereby teachers in a specific region sign up for 25 days of … Read More
Covid-19 and Physical Literacy Key Questions
The IPLA and PE Scholar have created the following infographic to capture current thoughts around how Covid-19 might be impacting physical literacy.
Physical literacy is a lifelong journey
How the EU-supported ‘Physical Literacy for Life’ project is paving the way for physical literacy (as a lifelong journey) to be recognised internationally.
Unpicking the philosophical approach when understanding the concept of physical literacy
In this post we provide a brief appreciation regarding the philosophical understanding of the concept of physical literacy.
Monism – coming together, from Descartes to Maiese
Looking at monism and how we in the Western World are having to review dualist presumptions of our being comprised of a distinct mind and a separate body.
Justifying physical activity and physical literacy
In this post we look at the means and ends in relation to physical activity and physical literacy (PA/PL), touching on monism and intrinsic value.
Theories of Learning and Physical Literacy
There are generally agreed to be three principal Schools of Learning each of these are considered in relation to physical literacy.
Physical Literacy, Phenomenology and Empathy
This post looks at how physical literacy puts the individual at the heart of the enterprise, with particular reference to the importance of empathy.
IPLA Physical Literacy Advocacy Guides
In this post we introduce two new physical literacy advocacy guides from the International Physical Literacy Association, available to download for free.
Taiwan – Taipei – National Taiwan Normal University – February/March 2019
Summarising the successful visit by Nigel Green of the IPLA to the to National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) in Taipei – August 2018.