IPLA Research Café 1 – Lisa Young

In this months webinar we discuss “Physical literacy: a concept analysis” with Lisa Young (@LisaYoung__) If you enjoyed this event please join us for our next Research Cafe.

IPLA Research Café

We are pleased to announce our first Research Café will be taking place on May 4th, 10am BST with our guest speaker Lisa Young. This 30 minute webinar will be an opportunity for questions and discussion focussing on Lisa’s paper “Physical literacy: a concept analysis“. We do advise you read the paper before attending (please get in contact if you … Read More

International Physical Literacy Association

Next Webinar: Physical Literacy: an embodied capacity for interaction

Webinar 27th January 7.30pm GMT Presenter: Nate Babcock – Elementary PE Coordinator-PYLUSD and PE Specialist- Fairmont Elementary School. Responder: Margaret Whitehead – President of the IPLA Host: Nigel Green – Chair of the IPLA A blog (https://medium.com/@coachnateb/toward-better-whys-and-what-s-of-p-e-833976cedf9 ) posted by Nate Babcock sparked a great discussion between Nate, Margaret Whitehead and Nigel Green. The IPLA were keen to explore the philosophical … Read More

International Physical Literacy Association

Role Vacancy: Special Interest Group Lead (Older Adult)

Special Interest Group Lead (Older Adult) (Voluntary) The Special Interest Group Lead is expected to be a current member of the IPLA who can contribute to the overall governance and strategic development of the Association. They should have significant experience related to the promotion of physical literacy and ideally have either completed the Foundation Course or be familiar with its … Read More

Physical Literacy Teacher Training Webinars: India

Teacher Training The IPLA were approached by International Council of Sport and Physical Education (ICSSPE) to see if they would take part in a teacher training programme that was being run in India for in-service teachers. This training programme is the second 25 day programme that has been scheduled, whereby teachers in a specific region sign up for 25 days of … Read More

Global Health Literacy Conference/Summit: 3rd-5th October 2021, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

The first Global Health Literacy Conference/Summit is the first largest and most diverse global gathering on health literacy. Organised by the International Health Literacy Association and hosted by the E-DA Healthcare Group | I-Shou University, the summit will bring together over 500 people from 80 countries to network and share ideas on how to advance health literacy. The theme of … Read More

Physical literacy is a lifelong journey

Physical literacy is a lifelong journey

How the EU-supported ‘Physical Literacy for Life’ project is paving the way for physical literacy (as a lifelong journey) to be recognised internationally.