Perspectives on Physical Literacy: National Conversation

Sport Wales has started a ‘National Conversation’ around sport for future generations and are inviting as many people to contribute to the thinking as possible.  This will inform our future Vision and Strategy to be developed in the coming year. Margaret Whitehead was asked in the past week to produce a ‘Think Piece’ which she kindly did and was put … Read More

Physical Literacy workshop in the Netherlands

On November 9, the annual Sports Research Conference was organised at Windesheim University of Applied Sciences. More than 430 participants attended 100 sessions and workshops. One of the workshops was organised by the Physical Literacy Platform. This platform was initiated early 2017 with members from all PETE faculties in the Netherlands and the Knowledge Centre for Sports. The goal of … Read More

IPLA Foundation Course

The Foundation Course offers an introduction to physical literacy. The course runs for three and a half hours and whilst there is no practical work, the inter-active group work creates a vibrant and meaningful experience.

Physical Illiteracy

The question is often asked, can a human being be physically illiterate? This is not a straightforward question. There are three perspectives that can be taken, two result in a rejection of the notion of physical illiteracy and one supports there being a disposition we could call physical illiteracy. Firstly, it could be seen as a non- question. In the … Read More

Len Almond Eulogy

Len Almond was outstanding for his inspiration, commitment, vision and the boundless energy and invested himself into the promotion of high quality physical education and physical activity for health to both young and old.

A Poem for Physical Literacy

Tiny, fragile fingers clench the hands that lead, guide and nurture the path. The journey begins with a hesitant step. Gasps. Jubilance. Pure joy. Tentative steps turn into powerful strides as confidence oozes with every pounding heartbeat. Blossoming, developing, changing with every jump, spin and splash. The precious seeds of opportunities are scattered lovingly into the field of hope and … Read More

Physical Literacy Charting Progress

Physical literacy is a holistic concept that recognises that all people are on a journey throughout life, but how can we chart progress on this journey? And why is it charting progress important anyway?